CULT [kuhlt] noun : refers to a cohesive social group and their devotional beliefs or practices, which the surrounding population considers to be outside of mainstream cultures.

INDIVIDUALITY [in-duh-vij-oo-al-i-tee] noun : the state or quality of being an individual; a person separate from other persons and possessing his or her own needs, goals, and desires.

CULT OF INDIVIDUALITY : A group of people with the same ideals of being true to themselves by not doing, acting, or pursuing what others think they should. Reaching that level of comfort with self where you can acknowledge, respect, and appreciate other people's tastes and styles, while never imposing your own judgement. Belonging to a crew where diversity and being different is not only welcomed, but encouraged.

Monday, June 11, 2012

A New Beginning

If you venture into reading my pasts post, you will  notice they are a bit random in topic yet insights into the general fashion industry.  This is because my blog was initially created for my Creative Fashion Presentations class at FIT (great class by the way, I highly suggest to all FM students to take).  Looking back at some of my posts, I considered erasing all my previous entries.  The thought process there was if I was going to write a blog, it should have some direction, and not just assignments that were required during my last semester of school.  However after more consideration, I've decided to keep the entries.  After all, they are part of the journey in fashion, the arts and all that I love. 

So from here on in, I will begin to venture into other worlds that I'm passionate about including music, cool events, art, shopping, and other facets that stimulate me.  Here I will continue to plant a seed, and watch it grow!

1 comment:

  1. Vanessa, please email me at in regards to your blog name/URL. Thanks
